Mayor’s Fund for London

The Mayor's Fund for London is an independent charity championing opportunity for young Londoners from low-income and Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. It's vision is that all young Londoners,

Felix Food Distribution Porgram – United Kingdom

Lyca's Gnanam Foundation has made a donation to the Felix Project to provide 1,350 healthy and nutritious meals to vulnerable families and individuals in London who are facing immense challenges due to the cost-of-living crisis.

Leicester Charnwoord Lions Club

"Lyca's Gnanam Foundation has made a donation to the Charnwood Lions Club that was formed in 1974 and is part of lions club international,

Essential Distrubution Program – Kenya

Lyca's Gnanam Foundation has made a donation to the Felix Project to enable Greening Kenya foundation to purchase blankets for Vulnerable elderly peopl in Kenya.

Cricket Development – Uganda

Lyca's Gnanam Foundation has made a donation to the Cricket for Development
Foundation which has been making a significant impact in the community by providing
opportunities for youth from impoverished backgrounds.

MedAid – Northen Uganda

"Lyca's Gnanam Foundation has made a donation to MedAid United Kingdom to buy plough who will help people in Northern Uganda.

Mind – Tower Hamlets

Lyca's Gnanam Foundation has made a donation to MIND in Tower Hamlets, Newham and Redbridge which has supported

Change, Grow, Live

Lyca's Gnanam Foundation has made a donation to Change Grow Live which has grown from a tiny volunteer-led Sussex-based organisation,