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Periyathampani Maha Vidyalayam Equipped With New Water Facilities

Periyathampani Maha Vidyalayam Equipped With New Water Facilities

Event description

Periyathampani Maha Vidyalayam is a provincial school which has been hugely affected by war. Most of its buildings and other infrastructure have been completely destroyed. The village, Periyathmpani, is mostly populated by resettled communities living under the poverty line and the scarcity of clean drinking water facilities has been an unresolved issue for the last several years.

The school, which is supporting the poor village students, made every effort to obtain the basic infrastructure needed to improve the drinking water facilities and to provide a healthy and safe environment in the past without any success. They asked Lyca’s Gnanam Foundation to provide assistance with building the basic infrastructural needs such as wells, water tanks, drinking water facilities, and lawn for the ground.

Lyca’s Gnanam Foundation provided Rs 1,635,000 worth of assistance to Periyathmpani Maha Vidyalayam for the construction of wells, water tanks, drinking water facilities, and lawn for the ground, which will enhance the drinking water facilities and improve the hygiene of the Periyathmpani Maha Vidyalayam school in general, which is attended by school students in need of help.

The construction activities mentioned above commenced recently, with the guidance of the Periyathmpani Maha Vidyalayam principal Mrs K.Selvaratnam and are expected to be completed in the near future.